University of St. Thomas
  • B.S. Computer Science
  • Data Analytics & Applied Statistics Minors
  • Graduating May 2023
Work Experience
Student Web Developer, Library Digital Services, University of St. Thomas
(September 2022 – Present)
  • Migrate and rebuild client-side web app with provided API endpoint using JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Experiment and document environment setup instructions for Vue.js integration with AWS Amplify
  • Excel in self-supervision through learning Vue.js to build accordion and filter web components for CMS
Engineering Co-op Intern, Zendesk Inc.
(September 2021 – August 2022)
  • Joined security development team and worked on user authentication experience, including SSL certificate management UI/UX, authentication strategies, user sign-in experience, and accessibility issues
  • Collaborated with product designer and communicated pain points to key stakeholders in the discovery and designing phases of the SSL UI/UX co-op project
  • Hands-on front-end and back-end programming experience with React.js, TypeScript, and Ruby on Rails to prototype SSL UI/UX and API endpoint
  • Contributed in improving login UI/UX accessibility effort and tightening request parameters type
  • Continuously deployed changes with reliability, utilized Jenkins and Datadog to monitor automated tests
Undergraduate Student Researcher - GitLab Data Mining Research
(June 2021 – August 2021)
  • Researched the relationship between students’ usage of software repositories for computer science programming assignments and the overall course performance and contributed in writing a research paper
  • Programmed a data mining software in Java that used a provided web service to collect data from GitLab
  • Analyzed data using R and communicated statistical analysis with the research’s mentor
OOP Teaching Assistant, CISC Department, University of St. Thomas
(February 2021 – May 2021)
  • Hosted office hours to help answer students’ questions, discuss programming issues, brainstorm, and debug for object-oriented design and programming lab assignments
  • Assisted instructor in checking programming assignment and coding styles in Java
Programming & Data Analysis Projects
Senior Capstone - Zoom Integration in Spock
(October 2022 - December 2022)
  • Worked in a team of 6 to integrate Zoom Meeting SDK into Spock, a web app using Java Spring and JavaScript
  • Involved in researching Zoom Meeting SDK and OAuth 2.0 authentication process for working with Zoom API
  • Collaborated with teammates to research, test, and implement creating and joining Zoom meeting functionality
  • Built a familiar Zoom meeting experience in Spock where users can authorize to use Zoom through Spock
Decision Analysis - Data Model and Dashboard in Excel
(February 2022 - May 2022)
  • Worked in a team of 5 to create effective and dynamic data visualization to help the organization in recruitment planning to achieve higher KPIs based on past recruitment data, school information, and demographics
  • Built data model in spreadsheets and interactive dashboard using Microsoft Excel, Power Query, and Power Pivot
Ticket Viewer App
(July 2021)
  • Individually designed and developed a Java command-line interface (CLI) program that interacted with the Zendesk API to request tickets and display ticket information with pagination feature within one week
  • Designed the CLI program UI, implemented unit testing, demonstrated project management skill
OneU - Full-stack Web App Development
(January 2021)
  • Prototyped web app OneU that helped college students with degree planning and validating course requirements
  • Collaborated with the team to design and build static front-end UI components using React.js and JavaScript
  • Led the development process, reviewied code, and effectively communicated across technical and non-technical teams on programming tasks, features, and ideas for OneU
Skills & Domain Knowledge
Java, JavaScript, Vue.js, React.js, HTML, CSS, Git Workflow, MVC Framework, RESTful API, SQL, TypeScript, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, R, Jira, Agile, Microsoft Excel, Power Query, Power Pivot
Campus Involvement
International Student Ambassador, Office of International Students and Scholars, University of St. Thomas
(September 2021 – Present)
President, Computer Science Club, University of St. Thomas
(September 2021 – May 2022)
Resident Advisor, Residence Life, University of St. Thomas
(August 2020 – May 2021)